Eurolinguistic symposia and conferences 1997-2007
Glienicke (1997)
In the course of the past ten years (1997-2007), eight international symposia on Eurolinguistics have been held. The first one was organized in 1997 by Prof. Norbert Reiter in Glienicke, Potsdam, the proceedings of which were published in Reiter (ed., 1999).
Pushkin (1999)
Then during 1998 and 1999, the whole energy of LAMA (Linguistischer Arbeitskreis Mannheim, called Eurolinguistischer Arbeitskreis Mannheim (ELAMA) after March 3, 1999) was devoted to preparing and organizing The 2nd International Symposium on Eurolinguistics, the Pushkin Symposium, which was conceived of as a meeting place between East and West European linguists in order to live up to the Europe-wide goals, and the proceedings of which were published in the new series "Studies in Eurolinguistics", Vol. I, (Ureland ed., 2003, Logos-Verlag Berlin).
Udine (1999)
Also in the same year, at the International Conference held in Udine at Centro Internazionale sul Plurilinguismo (Dec. 9 –11, 1999) on "Processes of Convergence and Differentiation in the Languages of Medieval and Modern Europe", the goals of the ELAMA and the Pushkin Theses were presented to the participants and the language contact typologies of the Glienicke, Pushkin and Udine symposia were discussed at length (cf. Ureland 2000:418-430).
Mannheim/Strasbourg (2001)
The Third International Symposium on Eurolinguistics in Mannheim/Strasbourg (Oct. 28-30, 2001) was organized by ELAMA and supported by the University of Mannheim and the Ministry of Research of Baden-Württemberg. The main focus of the third symposium was on the use and protection of European minority languages in multilingual domains (Administration, Education, Law and Media) (cf. Ureland (ed.) 2005 “Studies in Eurolinguistics, Vol. 2).
Zadar (2002)
The Fourth International Symposium on Eurolinguistics was held in Zadar, Croatia, in Sept. (19-22, 2002) and organised conjointly by ELAMA, the Faculty of Philosophy, Zadar and the Linguistic Research Institute of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb (cf. also in Ureland (ed.) 2005), Studies in Eurolinguistics Vol. 2).
St Andrews (2004)
The Fifth International Symposium on Eurolinguistics was held in 2004 in St Andrews, Scotland (June 11-13, 2004), on "Language Contact and Minority Languages on the Littorals of Western Europe - Eurolinguistics West", where ELAMA organized a work group on "Maritime Eurolinguistics of the Baltic, North and Irish Sea Regions" (cf. Ureland (ed.) 2007, Studies in Eurolinguistics, Vol. 5).
Uppsala (2005)
The Sixth International Symposium on Eurolinguistics was held in 2005 in Uppsala, Sweden (Sept. 16-18, 2005) on “Migration of European Peoples and Languages – from the Russian Rivers to the North Atlantic” focusing on the languages around the Baltic Sea (North Germanic, Low German, Dutch, Baltic-Finnish, Baltic Languages, Russian, Polish), the North Sea (Scots Gaelic, Irish), the Mediterranean (the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian Seas).
Berlin (2006)
The Seventh International Symposium on Eurolingistics was held in October 2006 at Humboldt Universität, Berlin as a continuation of the Uppsala Symposium focusing more on the eastern migrations of peoples and languages: "Contact, Migration and Linguistic Areas − Euro-Atlantic and Euro-Asiatic Perspectives" (to be published together with the Uppsala papers in "Studies in Eurolinguistics", Vol.6).
Leipzig (2007)
The Eighth International Symposium on Eurolinguistics was held at the Institut für Slavistik, Südslavische Sprachwissenschaft at the University of Leipzig on Sept. 31−Oct. 2, 2007, where the focus was on South-Eastern European Linguistics and Balkan Linguistics, the proceedings of which will be published in the Series "Eurolinguistische Arbeiten" ed. by U. Hinrichs (Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden).
Lille (2007)
Also in the same year 2007, ELAMA participated with a Work Shop on “Migrating words an concepts between languages in and outside Europe” at Séminaire International on "Sémantique et lexiclogie des languages d’Europe: des aspects théoretiques aux applications" organised by Laboratoire SELOEN, Université Charles-de-Gaulle, Lille. The conference was a cooperation between Also in the same year 2007, ELAMA participated with a Work Shop on "Migrating words an concepts between languages in and outside Europe" at Séminaire International on "Sémantique et lexiclogie des languages d’Europe: des aspects théoretiques aux applications" organised by Laboratoire SELOEN, Université Charles-de-Gaulle, Lille. The conference was a cooperation between Associazione Eurolinguistica Sud, Centre de Recherché SELOEN and ELAMA.